Brushed Metal

How to create a texture that simulates brushed metal in only a few steps.

ByColin Smith

Step 1
Select the gradient tool by pressing "G" Now set the tool to linear gradient in the Gradients Palette. I chose the copper preset. Take your mouse to the top left and click and drag to the bottom right.

Step 2
This has now created a gradient fill

Step 3

Filter>Add Noise your image should look grainy like this. Select Monocromatic so that strange colors are not added.


Step 4
Almost done, now go to filter>blur>motion blur. Set angle for 0 and distance to taste.

Step 5
A finished peice of brushed metal

Step 6
To change the color: Hue/Saturation, Ctrl/Cmd +U. Slide the Hue slider to get differant colors.

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